I opened Anaconda Navigator then Environment Create import and in Specification File gave path of above environment.yml file. Is the above step correct? Is there a way to do this via shell in Mac? (I am using macOS Catalina Version 10.15.3). If you run on Windows or Linux, download Anaconda 5.1 for Windows installer or Anaconda 5.1 for Linux installer. Step 2) You are now ready to install Anaconda. Double-click on the downloaded file to begin the installation. It is.dmg for mac and.exe for windows. Environment: I installed Anaconda 4.2 (most current download) with default environment that is Python 2.7, and additional environments including Python 3.6 and R. My laptop is Windows 7 64 bit. Problem: From Anaconda Navigator, I attempted to click the R Studio Install button and it did not work. Anaconda is one of the most innovative machine learning and Python data science tools. It comes with other tools embedded like Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, RStudio amongst other.In this article, we provide the steps involved in installing the Anaconda Distribution of Python on your Mac OS computer.
Say no to pip install in the command line! Here's an alternative way to install TensorFlow on your local machine in 3 steps.
I played around with pip install with multiple configurations for several hours, trying to figure how to properly set my python environment for TensorFlow and Keras.
“One key benefit of installing TensorFlow using conda rather than pip is a result of the conda package management system. When TensorFlow is installed using conda, conda installs all the necessary and compatible dependencies for the packages as well.”
This article will walk you through the process how to install TensorFlow and Keras by using the GUI version of Anaconda. I assume you have downloaded and installed Anaconda Navigator already.
- Launch Anaconda Navigator. Go to the Environments tab and click ‘Create’.
2. Input a new environment name - I put ‘tensorflow_env’. Make sure to select Python 3.6 here! Then ‘Create’, this may take few minutes.
3. In your new ‘tensorflow_env’ environment, select ‘Not installed’, and type in ‘tensorflow’. Then, tick ‘tensorflow’ and ‘Apply’. The pop-up window will appear, go ahead and apply. This may take several minutes.
Do the same for ‘keras’.
Check your installation by importing the packages. If everything is okay, the command will return nothing. If the installation was unsuccessful, you will get an error.
And…Ta-da! It’s done! You can follow this article to test your newly installed packages :)
Thank you for reading. Please give it a try, and let me know your feedback!
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There are multiple ways by which we can add packages to our existing anaconda environment.
Method 1 − One common approach is to use the “Anaconda Navigator” to add packages to our anaconda environment. Once “Ananconda Navigator” is opened, home page will look something like −
Go to Environments tab just below the Home tab and from there we can check what all packages are installed and what is not.
It is very easy to install any package through anaconda navigator, simply search the required package, select package and click on apply to install it. Let's suppose tensorflow packages are not installed in your computer, I can simply search the required package(like tensorflow), select it and click on apply to install it.
Method 2 − Another way of installing packages is by the use of terminal or an Anaconda Prompt −
Above command will install OpenCV package into your current environment.
To install specific a specific version of a opencv package −
We can install multiple packages at once, such as OpenCV and tensorflow −
Note − It is recommended to install all required packages at once so that all of the dependencies are installed at once.
To install a specific package such as opencv into your existing environment “myenv”(in case you have a virtual environment to install project specific packages).
Method 3 − If the package is not available in our conda environment or through anaconda navigator, we can find and install the package with another package manager like pip.
We can install pip in our existing conda environment by simply giving the command −
And your screen will be shown an output something like −
Now if you want to install any particular package, through pip in conda environment, we can do it like −
Above we have installed opencv package through pip in conda environment.
Anaconda For Mac Os
Viewing a list of installed packages
Mac Install Anaconda
We can use the anaconda prompt, to list all of the packages in the active environment −